Newsletter: Term 3 - Week 7

A Message from the Principal

School Satisfaction Survey – You should now have received an email with information regarding the school satisfaction survey. We do encourage families to fill this in. The information we garner from this is important to our school improvement efforts. Both positive and negative feedback is taken on board. We will always be trying to improve experiences for students, families and staff at our school. The school satisfaction survey is of course just one way that you can share your feedback to the school. As always, I and my executive team are very responsive to any queries and concerns and can be contacted through the school’s front office.

P and C Disco – The P and C will be running a disco for the school on Friday 15 September. Notes for the event will go out very early next week. As always the disco will be held over two sessions. Session 1 will be for preschool, kindergarten and year 1 from 5:30pm-6:30pm. Session 2 will run from 6:45-8:15pm for our year 2 -6 students. Entry cost will be a gold coin donation and students will need to have a signed permission note to attend which must have current contact details.

Book Fair Update – I’m delighted to thank our community for supporting our scholastic book fair so well. We managed to sell over $8000 in sales. This translated to the school being able to purchase $2500 worth of books from Scholastic (pictured below). These book will go straight back to the library to further bolster our already sizeable collection. Thank you to all who supported.

University of Canberra Pedagogical Content Knowledge sessions – This term we have welcome over more than twenty pre service teachers to Neville Bonner Primary School, where they are working with our Year 5 students in the area of Mathematics. The university students spend time with their subject convenor who runs through a lot of the current best practice in the teaching of Mathematics. They then plan experiences for our Year 5s and deliver these to the small groups of students. In all, the university students work with our students for six sessions. We are happy to link with the university in this way. It shows our school in a positive light to future teachers, and it provides our students will some additional targeted small group instruction. It is likely we will reengage in future semesters with the university to provide this opportunity to other year groups and potentially in other subject areas.

Father’s Day Stall -  Many thanks to the P and C for running a father’s day stall this week. Our community supported this well and it was great to see the excitement of our students purchasing items from the stall. As well as our wonderful P and C volunteers, Liz Raufer our Year 5 teacher and some of our Year 6 student leaders contributed to the smooth running of the event.

Dates to Remember

Communications Sent Home This Week

Notes and Emails Home

SMS Texts Home

Student Wellbeing at NBPS


Safe - Respectful - Learner 

Fortnightly Focus- We are sunsafe

Our focus continues to be we are sunsafe. As a part of this focus teachers will be handing out double tokens if students are being sun safe. Our token collector in the front office is nearly full. This time we are aiming to get all three tubes full to get our whole school celebration. 

University of Canberra Clinic

You may be unaware but the University of Canberra offers a wide range of services that can be accessed by families for subsidised prices. Some of the services they offer and contact details are listed below. 

-Occupational therapy

- Psychology

- Optometry

- Speech Therapy

You can contact them via their website or on (02) 6201 5843  

Fortnightly Focus Week 7 & 8:  We are sunsmart

School Satisfaction Survey


The School Satisfaction and Climate Survey is an important tool used to underpin school improvement practise and inform government priorities, research projects and longitudinal studies aimed at improving the quality of education services in the ACT.


All Parents and Carers of Neville Bonner Primary School students would have received an email from with a unique link to the survey on Friday 18 August. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. If you have any queries, please contact Brittney via email

Update Household Details

If you have moved house or changed phone numbers, please be sure to update your details with the front office. 

You can do this in person at the office or via email:

It is important to keep this information up to date in case we need to contact you in an emergency.

Thank you, the admin team.

The Smith Family Saver Plus Program

The Smith Family (ACT) offers a range of programs to help families and individuals to stay engaged with education. Saver Plus is a program with a specific focus on supporting families and individuals with low incomes to meet their education expenses.

Saver Plus is a matched savings and financial education program that aims to help people on lower incomes to strengthen their financial skills and to develop a savings habit. The program provides financial skills education and motivates participants to save by matching their savings dollar for dollar, up to $500. These savings can be used to pay for education costs such as computers, books, uniforms, extracurricular activities and school excursions. To fill in the online enquiry form; Saver Plus enquiry form | Brotherhood of St. Laurence ( 

Contact Saver Plus on 1300 610 355 or

Equity Fund 2023

Do you need help covering the costs associated with your child’s education? You may be eligible for financial support.

The Future of Education Equity Fund provides a one-off, annual payment to low-income families living in the ACT to help cover the costs of education expenses such as school uniforms, school excursions, sport equipment and activities and music lessons. The Equity Fund is open to eligible families with students in years P-12. 

Applications for the 2023 school year can be made online. Find out more at

Web Based Subscriptions

Web based subscription invoices have once again been emailed to families who did not order book packs with WINC. These include seesaw, reading eggs and Mathletics. Please promptly pay these invoices so your child/ren can be given access to these platforms. Preferred payment is via Quickweb: Payment - Neville Bonner Primary School ( 

Parents' and Citizens' Association

Neville Bonner Parents and Citizens Committee

Our P&C provides services to the school such as canteen, second hand uniform shop, disco and other activities. Without a P&C, we cannot continue to do these things. 

For more information on our committee and event notices and updates, please head to the P&C Facebook or the Neville Bonner P&C page We are always happy to accept new members into the P&C and event volunteers as well - send us an email.

More information about our canteen; lunch orders with flexischools and over the counter sales, and the uniform shop can be found on the P&C component of the school website.

Contact Us

Want to touch base with your P&C? You can email us at, or connect through FB at


Sorry, we are no longer able to take lunch orders over the phone after 9am. The P&C canteen has only one oven and some days there are over 60 lunch orders to be served by 11am. As such, there is a set schedule of what goes in when, in the oven, to ensure there is enough time for everything to reach the required internal temperature of at least 80C.

Birthday cupcakes

Our amazing canteen team offers birthday cupcakes! Cost is $30 per class, with orders required one (1) week in advance. To place an order, or for more information, please email

P & C School Disco

It’s disco time, at Neville Bonner Primary school! This year we have opted to go with no theme and ask all disco attendees to come in their comfiest clothes to dance the night away! Date: Friday 15th September, 2023, Two sessions:

- Session 1: 5:30pm-6:30pm – Preschool – Year 1

- Session 2: 6:45pm-8:15pm – Year 2 - Year 6

* Cost: voluntary gold coin donation. All students will require a signed entry form to enter (Permission slips will come home in the next couple of weeks. We will have food and drinks available to purchase at the canteen.

* School disco menu

Beef Nachos (gluten free)$7.50 Vegetarians Nachos (gluten free) $7.50 Chips $2 Rice cracker (gluten free, halal)) $2, Popcorn (gluten free, halal) $2, Juices $2, Milk $2

Glee can $3, Cup cake (halal) $2.50, Ropes $1.00, Water $1.50. As well as glow sticks for sale at the door!

All preschool parents will be required to stay on the premises for the duration of their session. We are seeking volunteers for minor activities, guarding doors, checking kids in/out and keeping drink bottles filled for the extra energetic kids, so please email if you can spare some time. 

Scholastic Book Club

Issue 6 is open for ordering, with the last date for orders is Friday 8th September. Unfortunately, we can NOT accept cash orders through the front office, please place orders through the Scholastic Book Club LOOP website. Don’t forget 20% of every sale is given to the P&C in ‘rewards’ that the school can use to purchase resources from the catalogues. 

Second Hand Uniform Shop

Neville Bonner Primary School P&C Second Hand Uniform Stall is hosted under the school hall covered area.

** Term 3 - Week 8 - Wednesday 6th September, from 8.45am to 9.45am.

** We have had to close the afternoon stalls. 

Volunteers wanted
We would love to host another morning stall on another day, however, our current volunteers are unable to assist.  If you're able to volunteer an hour of your time, on any other day of the week, we can provide the training and assistance to run the stall for the hour. Please email us at

We still have loads of pre-loved uniforms for sale. Preferred payment is via EFTPOS, however cash will be accepted. If you have good quality school uniform items you no longer need, the P&C will gratefully accept your donation to our second hand uniform stall through the canteen (or please place them in the tub near the front office). 

Contact Information


Will Johnston

Deputy Principals:

Haeley Simms (P-2)

Sylvia Headon (3-6)

P&C President:

Jayne Trustum

Board Chair:

Amani Kerr

Community Information

AGC newsletter.pptx