Newsletter: Term 3 - Week 8

A Message from the Principal

Teacher Absences – We have been experiencing a high level of teacher absence over the last three or four weeks. This has meant we’ve seen largely short term absences, but also some instances of longer term absence. We do our very best to ensure learning continues and minimise split classes to as few as possible. The country is in the midst of a teacher shortage which does make covering teacher illness difficult. I thank you for your understanding with this.


Australian Literacy Educators Association (ALEA) Classroom Chats – Two of our classroom teachers presented a classroom chat yesterday afternoon to a number of teaching colleagues from across the ACT. Well done to Brittney Herrington and Maddie Handley who both presented confidently and showcased our school in a positive light. It is great to have a number of our teachers involved in professional associations and having the opportunity to share their excellent practice with others.


Term 4 – Term four is approaching quickly and we will be having a number of events across the term that I would like prewarn you about. The P and C and school will work together to host a colour run fundraiser for P-6 towards the end of the term. Students will have the opportunity to fundraise for this event, where monies raised will be shared between the school and P and C. Colour runs are great fun and will be an enjoyable afternoon for our students. We will also hold our annual Market Day during the term. This year’s event will be smaller than previous years with the majority of stalls run by our senior students. The final event I’d like to inform you about is an end of year Art Show and community barbecue which will also mark our 10 year anniversary as a school. This will be held during the final week of school and parents will be invited to walk through our art show which will feature art from every student, and join in a community barbecue where the P and C will run a sausage sizzle. We will endeavour to have our choir and bands perform during the afternoon to add some musical entertainment.

Dates to Remember

Communications Sent Home This Week

Notes and Emails Home

SMS Texts Home

Student Wellbeing at NBPS


Safe - Respectful - Learner 

Our focus is we take turns and share equipment. We will be explicitly teaching this over the next two weeks and students who demonstrate this will be given a double respectful token. 

We are very excited that our PBL approach that we have been implementing in outside settings will move into classroom settings next year. We have achieved the required data and support to begin implemeting tier one systems in the classroom. 

Anxiety in Children and how to help your child

Childhood is made up of many moments some wonderful and some a little bit tougher. As a parent it can be useful to have strategies in place to help your child cope with difficult moments and assist your child to develop strategies to manage anxiety. Triple P parenting offers a free course to assist parents to get strategies and knowledge to help their child. 

You can locate more information about this free course here. 

Fortnightly Focus Week 7 & 8:  We take turns and share equipment.

School Satisfaction Survey

Hurry! The 2023 School Satisfaction & Climate Survey CLOSES THIS FRIDAY!


Share your feedback and help shape our school. If you have not received your survey link in your inbox, use this survey link to participate.


Defence Club - 100 Years of Legacy

This year NBPS will be selling Legacy 100 Centenary items to help support Veterans families.

These items will include badges (various $2-$20), keychains ($5), wristbands ($3) and pens ($5).  Posters will be on display around the school next week showing items that will be for sale.

Please assist with your purchases by having the correct monies to purchase your items.

Update Household Details

If you have moved house or changed phone numbers, please be sure to update your details with the front office. 

You can do this in person at the office or via email:

It is important to keep this information up to date in case we need to contact you in an emergency as well as for when the new parent portal is released next year.

Thank you, the admin team.

The Smith Family Saver Plus Program

The Smith Family (ACT) offers a range of programs to help families and individuals to stay engaged with education. Saver Plus is a program with a specific focus on supporting families and individuals with low incomes to meet their education expenses.

Saver Plus is a matched savings and financial education program that aims to help people on lower incomes to strengthen their financial skills and to develop a savings habit. The program provides financial skills education and motivates participants to save by matching their savings dollar for dollar, up to $500. These savings can be used to pay for education costs such as computers, books, uniforms, extracurricular activities and school excursions. To fill in the online enquiry form; Saver Plus enquiry form | Brotherhood of St. Laurence ( 

Contact Saver Plus on 1300 610 355 or

Parents' and Citizens' Association

Neville Bonner Parents and Citizens Committee

Our P&C provides services to the school such as canteen, second hand uniform shop, disco and other activities. Without a P&C, we cannot continue to do these things. 

For more information on our committee and event notices and updates, please head to the P&C Facebook or the Neville Bonner P&C page We are always happy to accept new members into the P&C and event volunteers as well - send us an email.

More information about our canteen; lunch orders with flexischools and over the counter sales, and the uniform shop can be found on the P&C component of the school website.

Contact Us

Want to touch base with your P&C? You can email us at, or connect through FB at

P&C Committee Meetings

Our General Committee meetings are held in Week 2 and Week 7. Our next meeting is Monday 16th October 2023 at 7pm. We meet in the staff lounge within the school. 


Sorry, we are no longer able to take lunch orders over the phone after 9am. The P&C canteen has only one oven and some days there are over 60 lunch orders to be served by 11am. As such, there is a set schedule of what goes in when, in the oven, to ensure there is enough time for everything to reach the required internal temperature of at least 80C.

Birthday cupcakes

Our amazing canteen team offers birthday cupcakes! Cost is $30 per class, with orders required one (1) week in advance. To place an order, or for more information, please email

P & C School Disco

It’s disco time, at Neville Bonner Primary school! This year we have opted to go with no theme and ask all disco attendees to come in their comfiest clothes to dance the night away! Date: Friday 15th September, 2023, Two sessions:

- Session 1: 5:30pm-6:30pm – Preschool – Year 1

- Session 2: 6:45pm-8:15pm – Year 2 - Year 6

All preschool parents will be required to stay on the premises for the duration of their session. We are seeking volunteers for minor activities, guarding doors, checking kids in/out and keeping drink bottles filled for the extra energetic kids, so please email if you can spare some time. 

Scholastic Book Club

Issue 6 is open for ordering, with the last date for orders is Friday 8th September. Unfortunately, we can NOT accept cash orders through the front office, please place orders through the Scholastic Book Club LOOP website. Don’t forget 20% of every sale is given to the P&C in ‘rewards’ that the school can use to purchase resources from the catalogues. 

Second Hand Uniform Shop

Neville Bonner Primary School P&C Second Hand Uniform Stall is hosted under the school hall covered area.

** Term 3 - Week 10 - Wednesday 20th September, from 8.45am to 9.45am. ** We have had to close the afternoon stalls. 

Volunteers wanted for uniform shop
We would love to host another morning stall on another day, however, our current volunteers are unable to assist.  If you're able to volunteer an hour of your time, on any other day of the week, we can provide the training and assistance to run the stall for the hour. Please email us at

We still have loads of pre-loved uniforms for sale. Preferred payment is via EFTPOS, however cash will be accepted. If you have good quality school uniform items you no longer need, the P&C will gratefully accept your donation to our second hand uniform stall through the canteen (or please place them in the tub near the front office). 

Contact Information


Will Johnston

Deputy Principals:

Haeley Simms (P-2)

Sylvia Headon (3-6)

P&C President:

Jayne Trustum

Board Chair:

Amani Kerr

Community Information

AGC newsletter.pptx